[nycphp-talk] [OT] Voting

Steve Manes smanes at
Thu Aug 28 13:21:36 EDT 2008

sbeam wrote:
> basically, without it no candidate would ever visit any state except NY, FL 
> and CA. It ensures small rural areas have a meaningful role. It helps save us 
> from "tyranny of the majority" which is where "2 wolves and a sheep vote on 
> what to have for dinner"

Except that in the reverse scenario the wolf dies of starvation.

The two problems with the electoral college are (1) the "winner take 
all" format that every state except Maine and Nebraska have adopted and 
(2) the districting that makes the voters of Brooklyn, NY worth less 
than half that of the voters of Wyoming.  The latter has broader 
implications than just the EC though.

The 10 smallest states collectively have 32 electoral votes, or 6% of 
the EC total, even though their total populations have one million less 
people than that of NYC.  Is it any wonder why NYC gets shafted on 
federal revenue sharing and why we can't get the federal money to 
replace the decrepit Gowanus Expy with a badly needed tunnel while 
Alaska gets hundreds of millions to build a new bridge to nowhere?

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