[nycphp-talk] Downloading File Outside of the Root

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Wed Dec 3 15:26:17 EST 2008

If you want the file to live outside the www that's fine, but i doubt  
you can do it like you did in the rewrite.  I would make the rewrite  
point to a php script that reads the file then outputs it for download  
using the appropriate headers etc.

On Dec 3, 2008, at 3:23 PM, Randal Rust wrote:

> We are working on a small site where the client has an eBook for sale.
> Once the purchase is completed, we want to provide the link to the
> file, which we'd like to have sit outside of the server root. We are
> trying to work this out by modifying the .htaccess file with the
> following command.
> RewriteRule
> ^download/pdf/book.pdf
> /home/cooking/wwwroot/pdf/book.pdf
> Unfortunately we keep getting 404 errors. This is a shared
> environment, so the host may not even allow this, but does anyone see
> anything that would keep this from working properly? FYI, I spaced it
> out here for readability. It's one line in the file.
> -- 
> Randal Rust
> R.Squared Communications
> 614-370-0036
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