[nycphp-talk] Ajax UI, where to display a detailed view of a record

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Tue Dec 9 15:37:46 EST 2008

Display the record in a (possibly modal) float-div-type window.

Most of the major javascript libraries do this out-of-the-box or with  
some kind of UI plug-in.

Or it might make more sense to do some kind of border-layout with  
three panes.  A Search Form pane, a search results pane, and a detail  


On Dec 9, 2008, at 3:30 PM, David Mintz wrote:

> Working on a page that gives the user the ability to do some  
> sophisticated searching of a database. I do an Ajax request, display  
> the query resullts in a table and add an event handler to the  
> 'click' event on each row so that a tooltip/context menu pops up for  
> the user to do various actions with that row of data. One of those  
> actions is "view details" -- zoom in to see more. The decision to be  
> made is, should this view
> (a)  pop up in a new window (or tab, if the user's browser is set to  
> do that) so that the state of the form that did the search will stay  
> intact if they decide to go back, even though it adds some clutter  
> their workspace? or
>  (b) appear in the current window, even though it means if they hit  
> their back button they will have to start over with their search  
> parameters? or
> (c) do something else? e.g., me go to the trouble of saving their  
> search parameters in the session and restoring the form state from  
> session, whenever such exists?
> Just wondering how you folks approach this not-uncommon problem in  
> the age of Web 2.0
> -- 
> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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