[nycphp-talk] Poll on presentation topic

Leam Hall leam at
Wed Dec 10 10:17:07 EST 2008

Yes.  :P


On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 08:21 -0500, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Been discussing with one of the many Hanses about a possible
> presentation in 2009, and would like to know which topics would be of
> most interest to you:
> * The standard Joomla update
> * Experiences learned implementing a massive traffic site for MTV
> * Integrating your site with KickApps for rich, hosted social media
> functionality
> DISCLAIMERS: I'm a founder of Joomla, and seem to give a yearly
> presentation on what is happening with that project. I'm also VP
> Developer Relations at KickApps, and have done a lot of integration
> with Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress since they are such an open company
> ;-)
> -- Mitch
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