[nycphp-talk] [Slightly OT] Profiling Site Response Time

Nasir Zubair nasir81 at
Tue Dec 16 21:07:47 EST 2008

Yeah, that's a bummer. YSlow is my first choice for any task like this. But
the site not working in FF is one of the reason I'm looking for another

- Nasir

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Rolan Yang <rolan at> wrote:

> Nasir Zubair wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Can anyone suggest an offline program or utility to profile response time
>> for an intranet website during various visits.
>> I'm trying troubleshooting a peculiar problem with one of our intranet
>> websites in IE6. The site is not fully functional in non-IE browsers (IE6
>> being the company standard). On the first visit to site for the day, the
>> site takes good 30-45 seconds to respond, any subsequent visits are under 1
>> sec, as expected. After some general testing (cache, cookies, etc.) I am
>> fairly confident that the workstation configuration are not a problem. The
>> issue can be reproduced on a number of workstations using a number of
>> different NT accounts. For every account, the slow
> The fact that it doesn't work with non-IE browsers is somewhat of a hurdle,
> but if it does with with Firefox, there is a nice plugin called Yslow that
> will profile your web pages and offer suggestions on how to optimize.
> ~Rolan
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