[nycphp-talk] Dynamic Form Elements

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Fri Feb 1 03:05:47 EST 2008

I'm familiar with DOM, DHTML, JavaScript, etc but I'm not sure what
the best way to do dynamic forms is.

Basically I just want to dynamically insert or remove one element in a
form. The form is normally just a select with a submit button
immediately to it's right. But depending on what option in the select
is selected, I want another select to be inserted between the first
select and the button.

So it's either <select1><button> or <select1><select2><button>.

I would be perfectly happy with toggling the style visibility: visible
or visibility: hidden but this doesn't change the position of the
button. It always appears off to the right. I want the form to

Or should I use DOM calls?

What's the best, most portable way to do this?


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