[nycphp-talk] warning message on the php page

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Tue Feb 5 16:40:56 EST 2008

The only rule is that you need to call session_start() before any output 
is sent to the browser.

You can accomplish this by either making sure that your script won't 
echo/print any data (and won't print notices, warnings, etc) before 
session_start() is called, or you can turn on output buffering (so make 
your first line ob_start(), or set it up via configs), so all output is 
buffered on the server until the script completes.

Ben Sgro wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a class that handles session and that is included further down 
> in the class.
> Typically file struct:
>    Config (dev, live, etc)
>    Includes
>    Instantiate classes (session_start( ) gets called in the session 
> objects constructor)
>    Support functions
>    Main code, usually in the form of a switch( ) on a GET/POST var
>    Debug data (db/script execution time, etc.)
> </PHP
> Works great for me.
> - Ben
> David Krings wrote:
>> chad qian wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I try to debug one php page.Everything is fine but I always get this 
>>> error message on top when I load the web page:
>>> *Warning*: session_start() [_function.session-start_ 
>>> <>]: Cannot send 
>>> session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at 
>>> /home/getatwoq/public_html/chad/registrationverified.php:3) in 
>>> */home/getatwoq/public_html/chad/inc/prehtml.php* on line *23*
>>> ** I want to get rid of this meaage when I locad the php web page.
>>> How to do it?
>> I found that session_start() works only OK when it is the first thing 
>> that happens in a script. Before initializing variables and anything.
>> You script should start as such
>> <?php  // Line 1
>>   session_strt(); // Line 2
>> ....everything else
>> I follow that strictly and since then never had a problem.
>> David
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