[nycphp-talk] sign in/out of the website

Ben Sgro ben at
Wed Feb 6 10:57:56 EST 2008

Hello Chad,

There are many ways to do this, and probably better ways then what I'm 
going to say..but here goes:

On each page, at the top, before you do any output do a login test:


function userIsLoggedIn($username)
    if ($username == $_SESSION['username']['loginBool'] == TRUE )
    { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }

if (!userIsLoggedIn($username))
    header("Location: index.php");
/* Otherwise we let them continue. */

That's really just some pseudo code.

- Ben

chad qian wrote:
> I am working on one php/mysql website
> (1)user login system(registration,profile,forget password).After user 
> input correct username/password,he can view/update his profile
> (2)Home page.I put some links on home page.All these links link to 
> other web pages
> My question:
> Anyone can browse the home page without sign in.
> But when user clicks some links on the homepage:
> (1)if he doesn't go to login form to sign in,he will be forwarded to 
> "unauthorized access" page
> (2)Only after he signs in,he can access any other web 
> page.Otherwise,he can only view the home page,.
> (3)he can sign in/out
> I am completely lost here.How to do php coding?
> Thanks in advance
> chad
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