[nycphp-talk] Thank you NYPhP -- Kerbeaz launches!

Steve Manes smanes at
Fri Feb 15 11:28:28 EST 2008

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> On 2/15/08 11:05 AM, "Steve Manes" <smanes at> wrote:
>> Under "A message from our founder" in Help:
>> "He still has a draw full of them" s/b "drawer".
> Thanks -- appreciated. Did ya catch the part about Jolly Rogers?! You city
> folk may have hit Coney Island, but us burbs people hit Jolly Rogers in
> Farmingdale. I wonder if it's still there?

When I was a kid around that age I was living on a military base in 
Japan.  No amusement parks.  My Coney Island was getting to ride in a 
tank or APC during maneuvers or to sit in the cockpit of an F4 at Atsugi 
NAS.  My brother and I were PITA kids so we didn't get to do that very 
often either <g>.

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