[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL environment problem??

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Feb 29 14:56:51 EST 2008

Might not be your exact problem, but I once had some issues porting of 
the the data from one machine to another. The auto increment was failing 
with a "duplicate index" error, but I could not find any duplicate 
indices. There was, however, a 0 value in the indexed column, which upon 
removal, fixed the issue. I think the table was initially populated and 
then maybe later converted to an auto-increment type without throwing an 
error. But, when I did an export and import into another machine, it 
kept failing.


PaulCheung wrote:
> The application is a classic traditional computer applications of add, 
> update and read selected record. The add record routine lines up the 
> next record to be added by checking what the last record added number was.
> The application was developed on “localhost”, Windows environment, and 
> all working as expected, adding, updating and reading records up to a 
> preset maximum of 100.
> Then thethe whole application was transfered into its' “production 
> environment” on my web space, Linux environment for testing. 
> Everything works fine for the first record only. I cannot add records 
> thereafter. I have “desk checked” the coding and with the exception of 
> the MySQL database parameters (host, user, password and database). All 
> coding remains the same.
> I cannot understand what is wrong is it because of the different 
> operating environments or could it be something else? Has anybody got 
> any ideas
> .
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