[nycphp-talk] simple form action

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Tue Jan 1 23:42:01 EST 2008

At 11:36 PM 1/1/2008, chad qian wrote:
>Here is the one PHP page code
><form action=???? method="post" name=form1>
>  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
>When people click "submit", I want to  execute the first php coding 
>part above <html>.
>so,form action=what?

You can just leave the action attribute out of the <form> tag and it 
will be submitted to the same script. Make sure you test that the 
form was submitted before trying to process it.

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//  do form processing
// other code
<form method="post">

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