[nycphp-talk] Editing a PDF

Aaron Fischer afischer at
Thu Jan 3 14:07:52 EST 2008

I use FPDF and FPDI to import existing PDFs and modify them.  However,  
I agree it's probably not in the sense that you are referring to them  
Tedd.  Basically it brings the PDF in as a template and then you can  
write to it, images or text for example.

Everything I have done has involved writing text on an imported PDF  
template.  Works great for that.  Haven't tried to do anything like  
edit existing text, etc.  Not sure if or how that would work with  
those packages.  I too found that PDF appeared to be fairly  
complicated in terms of modifying and working with those files.  The  
FPDF/FPDI packages allowed me to accomplish what I needed so I haven't  
had to go deeper.


On Jan 3, 2008, at 12:09 PM, tedd wrote:

> At 11:54 AM -0400 1/3/08, Jeff Loiselle wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can anyone recommend a package they've used (written in PHP, no  
>> extensions) to open a PDF, add a simple text header line, and save  
>> it?
>> Regards,
>> jeff
> Arrggg, that's going to be difficult. The innards of pdf files are  
> not trivial.
> You can use things like: to write your own,  
> like this:
> But to take an existing PDF file and open it up and change something  
> is much more complicated than you might think, or so I've found.
> If anyone disagrees, please provide me with an example to review.
> Sorry,
> tedd
> -- 
> -------
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