[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list (Joomla / SMF)

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jan 8 12:02:42 EST 2008

On Jan 4, 2008 12:27 PM, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:
> Gary Mort wrote:
> > FUDforum - you can subscribe forums to email lists and crosspost
> > between the two.
> >
> > It has a simple API for logon, so integration with Joomla should be
> > fairly simple.
> Great, thanks.  Any leads on an existing Joomla or SMF plugin that would
> facilitate easy email subscription to all messages in a forum?

There's an incompatibility between the GPL of Joomla and the license
they chose for SMF - so most efforts (at least on the Joomla side,
AFAICT) switched over to PHPBB - which, amazingly enough, has picked
up really rapid development as of late. You might want to check that

-- Mitch

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