[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list (Joomla / SMF)

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jan 8 12:38:07 EST 2008

On Jan 8, 2008 12:27 PM, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:
> I'm not sure why this site's admins picked SMF over anything else in
> particular -- I'm betting it was the usual haphazard "google around
> until you find something that mostly works" method.  If they start
> looking for a new board, I'll recommend they look at PHPBB.

I can comment if "this site" means Joomla. Not commenting about the
gnashing of teeth and whatnot, but I can say that the frustration
about licensing was on both sides of that story...

Back in the Mambo years, we had a license for VBB, and used it
exclusively. Knowing there was support, and having a relatively
scalable forum was critical to us. However, when we relaunched
ourselves as Joomla, we had an opportunity to get off the commercial
forum treadmill of license update$. At the time, SMF was fast and
secure, and PHPBB was bloated and security was a train wreck.

Today, I'd have to revise that harsh review of PHPBB as a *ton* of
activity has been going on over there. As well, the licensing
compatibility - and eagerness of the PHPBB team to help us Joomloids -
I can see a lot of integration between the two, if not already then
real soon now.

-- Mitch

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