[nycphp-talk] Another Apostrophe-related issue

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Jan 9 12:40:09 EST 2008

Ken Robinson wrote:
> At 10:42 PM 1/8/2008, Kristina Anderson wrote:
>> I'm having yet another apostrophe-related issue.  It seems that the
>> slashes are being added automatically by the HTML form and inserted
>> into the database on save.  Magic quotes is on (get_magic_quotes_gpc
>> (); returns 1) and I have removed any addslashes() functions from my
>> code.
>> The slashes seem to be spawning, i.e. the first round after
>> entering 's and saving, I get back /'s in the text box, the next
>> round ///'s, etc.
>> Soon enough I have a text box full of ////////////////////////////////
> You should be using
> $var = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($var));
> before adding to your database.
> After you retrieve the value, use
> $var = htmlentities(stripslashes($var),ENT_QUOTES);
> when displaying the value back to the screen.
> Ken

Umm, no.

Lose both invocations of stripslashes and it will work properly.

You should be using

$var = mysql_real_escape_string($var);

before adding to your database.

After you retrieve the value, use
$var = htmlentities($var,ENT_QUOTES);

when displaying the value back to the screen.

See for more details.


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