[nycphp-talk] Joomla and SE Friendly URLs

Paul Guba paul at
Thu Jan 10 08:23:07 EST 2008

I would be interested in what others say as well as I am about to  
implement a solution.  What I am looking at is ARTIO JoomSEF.   
Installed but not configured yet.  Think I'll wait a bit to hear what  
you all say.

Paul Guba
On Jan 10, 2008, at 8:09 AM, Randal Rust wrote:

> These should be pretty easy questions for the Joomla experts. I have a
> meeting with a potential client this afternoon who had the current
> version of their site built by a turnkey service using Joomla. The
> meeting is all about SEO and SEM, and I noticed two things right away
> when I looked at their site.
> 1. The keywords are not at the beginning of the TITLE. How difficult
> is it to switch the site name and the title of the page? So instead of
> 'R2 Joomla Test - Columbus Ohio Web Design' I can have 'Columbus Ohio
> Web Design - R2 Joomla Test.'
> 2. The URLs do not contain keywords. Rather than....
> ...I need to have....
> Can I do that out of the box?
> -- 
> Randal Rust
> R.Squared Communications
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