[nycphp-talk] Namespaces

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Jan 10 21:30:37 EST 2008

Its also good to scan the last php-internals list and grep for  
Namespaces discussions as things can automagically change on you :-)

- Jon

On Jan 10, 2008, at 8:07 PM, David Krings wrote:

> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>> I think this has something to do with variable scope?  Such as, in  
>> ASP (like VB), if you declare a variable i within a function, it  
>> loses scope after the function executes and you can have another  
>> variable i outside a function which stays in scope (this is NOT  
>> necessarily a good thing, either).
>> Whereas in PHP, if you declare $i, no matter where, it will be in  
>> scope throughout your entire script....right?
> I don't think that is the case. That is how it used to be in the PHP  
> 4.x installations that I've used early one, but with switching to  
> PHP5 that went away (and all my function calls failed). I think it  
> is possible to configure it either way in PHP4 or PHP5
>> As someone who used ASP for many, many years....after using PHP for  
>> 5 months I can pretty much state that, for me at least, it's NOT  
>> better than PHP, and it was a hell of a lot less fun to write.
> I've never tried ASP, but I work with an application that uses ASP/ 
> NET/IIS/MSSQL and not only is it a royal pain the you know where to  
> install, the entire application is dog slow on a P4-3GHz with 1GB  
> RAM. I get better performance with PHP on my P3-1GHz while pulling  
> everything through the debugger and that with less RAM.
> Thanks also for all the other very informative explanations of  
> namespace. I really don't see the single namespace to be an issue.  
> When there are multiple namespaces I have to keep track of them as  
> well. With multiple namespaces everyone starts calling their  
> functions ini() and A(), because they are too lazy to type longer  
> names. But then again, I don't really see the reason why one needs  
> objects either....
> David
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