[nycphp-talk] Namespaces

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Jan 11 09:11:37 EST 2008

Namespaces are an organizing mechanism, usually associated with classes.

Think:   Class::functions   as   Namespaces::classes

So let's begin with functions.  David Krings writes a nifty function 
called "ValidateEmail()" and puts in a library.  Then Ken Downs writes 
the same function in a different library.  Somebody tries to use both 
libraries but gets an error on a naming collision.  If each of us put 
our functions into classes, and the classes had different names, then 
the collision would be avoided.

But what if we have the same name for our classes, such as 
"EmailUtils?"  You have a class called EmailUtils and so do I, and 
somebody wants to use a little of yours and little of mine, but there is 
a naming collision.  Namespaces can solve that.  In this example, my 
classes might all be in a "kendowns" namespace and yours might be in a 
"davidkrings" namespace. 

For a more rigorous look, take a look at Java and how its functions are 
organized.  All functions are organized into classes and the classes are 
grouped together into namespaces.  If Java needs a function to trim 
spaces off the right side of a string, they won't call it "RTrim()", 
they will call it: string.valueChangers.Reducers.Trimmers.Right()

I'm sure a disciple of object orientation would point out all of the 
flaws in the above explanation, but it does portray the practical reality.

David Krings wrote:
> Hi!
> I got sucked into a (probably pointless) discussion about ASP vs. PHP. 
> One of the arguments against using PHP was that there is only a single 
> namespace. Uhm, that took the wind out of my sail as I have no clue 
> what a namespace is and why having only one is really bad.
> Anyone can explain that to me in laymen terms?
> David
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Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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