[nycphp-talk] PHP5 upgrade and suPHP ?

mikesz at mikesz at
Sat Jan 12 00:48:31 EST 2008

Hello nyphptalk colleagues,

I have a client who has been upgraded to PHP5 and the ISP has also
implemented suPHP in the process. The core application that my client
is using had/has a write requirement on certain folders that do things
like temporary image creation and document generation/storage as well
as a cache that stores profiles settings.  Well, as you might have
already guessed, everything broke that had folders set to 777. I got
Server 500 errors on most of the folders that were set to 777 and an
error about the Directory being writable by group. The ISP has
temporarily switched off the suPHP and is looking for me to provide a
solution to the write permissions requirement of the app.

I look through the documentation and, of course, its as clear as mud.

I am thinking that this should work now without the group permissions
being set if the owner has write permissions which it does. Any one
run into this issue and can shed a little light on it for me?

I found a few things that mention using .htaccess and local php.ini
files but that doesn't address the permissions issue.

TIA for any assistance on this, regards, mikesz


Best regards,
 mikesz                          mailto:mikesz at

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