[nycphp-talk] Licensing open source software

Tom Melendez tom at
Sun Jan 13 23:49:28 EST 2008

Hi David,

Items 2 and 3 on your list are not GPL compatible (although, IANAL),
but I think you might find Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 close to what you want.  It
doesn't mandate that people have to give their changes back to you (I
don't believe any of the licenses do) but keeps the code changes they
make in same or similar license that you've chosen.  So, if you give
it away, they will too (assuming that they actually distribute the

With that said, I would think again about your requirements,
especially item 3.  I myself would probably choose the LGPL for your
code - it gives flexibility and gives you credit.  Or, really, if
we're just talking about a couple of functions, public domain is fine
too.  If it is *really* that valuable, you'll get credit (look at
SQLite) and if commercial entities want to use it, let them, as that
is your best path to adoption of your work and even possible
gigs/jobs/riches/whatever later on.


On Jan 13, 2008 4:56 PM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> Hi!
> I wrote two small PHP functions that allow for easily adding context sensitive
> help (CSH) calls to MadCap Flare's WebHelp (and potentially others). I am a
> MadCap MVP and plan on cross-publishing the code on NYPHP-Talk (this list) as
> well as in the MadCap Flare Forum. Now that I am about to put the finishing
> touches on it by completing a wrapper function that makes CSH calls easier
> (only need to specify an ID to make the call later on) I wondered under which
> license (if any) I should release the code. None if it is anything special,
> there are maybe 50 lines of code if that, but it is the first code that I
> think is good enough to get published and really has some benefit for the
> general (Flare using) public. Here are some things that I want to get out of
> the licensing:
> - get credited (have my name mentioned in code) when the functions are used,
> the same way as I credited NYPHP for helping me out with the JavaScript stuff
> a few weeks ago
> - mandate that any changes or improvements are sent to me, but not for the
> sake of approval, but for making my own code better (If I like the change or
> enhancement) and potentially communicate with users when I make changes
> - prohibit commercial use without my written consent, meaning that I am not
> against a company using it in their web app, but I want to know about it and
> most likely get into agreement on special terms such as not getting sued for
> the case that my few lines of code don't work under some circumstances that I
> never encountered. The special terms aren't meant to get compensation (I won't
> complain about getting something, but I doubt anyone would pay for it).
> And that is pretty much it. Now, I could just create my own license and call
> it a day, but I think there are already wayyyyyyyyyyy toooooo maaaannnyyyy
> open source licenses that I really don't think that I have to add yet another
> one. I first thought about GPL 2.0 or 3.0, but honestly, I haven't read that
> license and I have no idea if it does what I want. So, again, I turn to NYPHP
> and ask for advice. I know that you will start your replies with "IANAL...",
> but some of you published code before or contribute to projects or may have a
> way better understanding of licensing than I have.
> I plan to use that license then later on for my gettext alternative (which may
> come in handy for those who can't just restart a web server to update string
> files) and then again later on for my PiViViewer that I am working on now for
> three years (I use the tortoise development method, hehe).
> Any proposal is greatly appreciated.
> David
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