[nycphp-talk] xls output: localhost works, www doesn't

Adrian Noland anoland at
Wed Jan 16 08:42:00 EST 2008

On 1/16/08, Rick Retzko <rick at> wrote:
>  Thanks for the recommendation!  I've got it working now (pointing the
> form action directly to the file doing the processing, then exit() at the
> end of the process), but I'd like to be A LOT more confident that I
> understand why its working!
> Can anyone point me to books/articles/tutorial that focus on how PHP
> interprets headers or what's happening in the background when you download
> from the server?
> Thanks -

You should read up on output buffering and PHP's session handling,
specifically as it pertains to cookies. Since Cookies are sent via header()
the same applies to what you are doing by sending the XLS header.

Look here:

and here:
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