[nycphp-talk] Transitioning from Beginner to Intermediate PHP

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Fri Jan 18 00:20:26 EST 2008

I'll add another source which I've posted here before that brings up your programming skills.

If you join from their Premier Club into Safari Books for a couple of dollars a month, you can get 5 or 10 computer books depending on your monthly fee (and I understand unlimited books, too) to read for a month.  

This book source is what I use as I program my websites, and I look up the topics to learn as I come across the need.  I've looked up and used Ajax as I needed it and the syntax for MySQL for my queries and OO PHP 5 programming when I wanted to write cleaner code and how to use layers to get my effects in Photoshop and how to do some complex JavaScripting, and then when I came across a reference to Pear, I looked up what it and how it might help me.  For me, it works so much better to learn the topic as the need comes up rather than to plod consecutively through a book.  This book service is a fantastic source!!

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