[nycphp-talk] Templating engines

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jan 18 13:16:28 EST 2008

On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, Anirudh Zala wrote:

> When you move from medium to large scale projects, Symfony starts getting 
> restricted. For example there is no native support to handle replication of 
> database hence you left stumped that what to do.
> Fortunately there is plugin to do so. But it has also it's limitations. It 
> supports only 1 master and many slave type of replication. Hence if you need 
> to handle multiple masters and slaves then you have no other way except 
> modifying that plugin.

Define "large".

We launched two new sites done in sf 6 months ago - no problems so far 
(I spent a long time figuring out the caching for most of the modules).

We are also busy redesigning/building pieces of an existing static site 
running across a cluster of machines and averaging 2 to 4 million hits per 


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