[nycphp-talk] Anyone using Amazon S3 for backup?

Steve Manes smanes at
Fri Jan 18 19:04:27 EST 2008

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Is anyone using Amazon S3 for backup? Instead of getting another 
> independent server, setting up rsync, etc. this seems like a good 
> solution for backing up a server or sql database. Sure, my ISP does 
> daily backups, but having more control by backing up the database 
> off-site would make me sleep better.
> Anyone have any experience? Good, bad, suggestions, ideas? Any other 
> alternatives worth looking at?

It's not an rsync solution (although there are some like but a friend of mine who owns a consulting 
company employing several telecommuters is using S3 via a $20 piece of 
software called Jungle Disk ( to back up his 
laptops in the field.  He's been very happy with it.  I'm trying to get 
one of my clients to consider it for his computers in the wild.

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