[nycphp-talk] Templating engines

Kenneth Downs ken at
Sun Jan 20 13:39:46 EST 2008

Gary Mort wrote:
> Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:
>> Greetings all --
>> The current thread on beginner to intermediate has brought up Smarty; 
>> I have been wondering about the relative advantanges of PHP 
>> templating engines.  
> A templating engine has two purposes.
> 2) It provides a simplified mechanism for changing the presentation 
> logic, without requiring changes to complex code.

People have tried to convince me to use Smarty for Andromeda and I could 
never quite swallow why because it seemed to me that PHP *was* the 
templating language.  I also didn't like what I saw as a lot of 
redundancies involved in invoking a smarty template.

But yesterday Donald Organ convinced me quite thoroughly.  The argument 
was that your creative person who doesn't know PHP and never will can 
put a smarty template into Dreamweaver, play around with it, and hand 
you back something that you can just drop in.

Further, since everything we do assumes the presence of a complete data 
dictionary, we can just generate that tedious code that maps smarty 
variables to PHP stuff, and it could be quite a win.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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