[nycphp-talk] htmlentities charset bug

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Jan 23 15:27:51 EST 2008

> Do your pages validate?
Yes.  The extended HTML entities are not required. Check the source of
this page:

> What happens in browsers that don't support
> the characters you're sending?

I don't develop for browsers that don't support UTF-8... e.g. IE2.  If
they don't have a glyph for the character, there is nothing you can do
(html entities or otherwise).  Most browsers replace unknown
characters with a question mark symbol.

> What happens in systems (such as RSS
> feed processors) that don't support multibyte characters?

RSS is XML which requires UTF-8 support.  If they don't support utf-8,
it is not a legit feed processor.  I can't think of a single piece of
software that interprets html entities but does not support unicode.

John Campbell

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