[nycphp-talk] Templating engines

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Jan 23 17:34:01 EST 2008

On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 01:54:43PM -0500, John Campbell wrote:
> If there is a separation between the programmer and the template
> editor, it presents another problem.  Who is responsible for escaping
> the data?
> Do you do:
> {$user.first_name|escape} {$user.last_name|escape}

Here, the folks use a customized class that extends Smarty.  Our 
constructor adds a default_modifier.  This way _all_ variables 
automatically get escaped, unless a given template specifically says to 
get the variable with nodefaults.

Here's how we do it, specifically, in the __construct() method:

  $this->register_modifier('myescape', array($this, 'myescape'));
  $this->default_modifiers = array('myescape');

Then there's a myescape() method in the class.

>From the manual, it seems one could just rely on Smarty's escape 
mechanism by just doing this in the constuctor:

  $this->default_modifiers = array('escape:html');

Now there's no guessing, no need to write "|escape" in each variable use 
and no manually escaping the stuff in your PHP.


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