[nycphp-talk] Anyone using Amazon S3 for backup?

Adrian Noland anoland at
Thu Jan 24 08:22:28 EST 2008

On 1/18/08, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>  Is anyone using Amazon S3 for backup? Instead of getting another
> independent server, setting up rsync, etc. this seems like a good solution
> for backing up a server or sql database. Sure, my ISP does daily backups,
> but having more control by backing up the database off-site would make me
> sleep better.
> Anyone have any experience? Good, bad, suggestions, ideas? Any other
> alternatives worth looking at?

My big problem is that it costs more to get data out than to put it in.
*$0.15 per GB-Month of storage used

*Data Transfer
*$0.10 per GB - all data transfer in
$0.18 per GB - first 10 TB / month data transfer out
$0.16 per GB - next 40 TB / month data transfer out
$0.13 per GB - data transfer out / month over 50 TB

Not a scenario I want to be dealing with during a stressful situation.

Take a look at an actual backup provider such as or
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