[nycphp-talk] heredoc help please?

Urb LeJeune urb at
Wed Jan 30 18:08:03 EST 2008

At 04:41 PM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
>On 1/30/08 4:22 PM, "-- rada --" <radalapsker at> wrote:
>Hello all,
>Can anyone help me with heredoc?
>I have this code:
>echo <<<EOD
>This is a heredoc test.
>Test line 2.
>     Test line 3 with tab.
>(I am using PHP5 and zend for editor) and I am expecting to see 
>output with line breaks. Can't see them though, no matter what I do. 
>The heredoc just outputs everything on one line, like this:

         The individual lines, except of the last one, insert a \n 
not a <br /> if you want new
lines displayed you need <br /> or the <p></p> tags.

>This is a heredoc test. Test line 2. Test line 3 with tab.
>Any ideas? I do not have any extraneous characters around the 
>delimiters. I also thought the problem might be the line break style 
>of my editor (Zend) but I tried everything: "\n", "\r\n", and 
>"as-is" (whatever that is..) and still no go.
>If this is going to a browser, HTML browsers don't recognize line 
>breaks. Use a fn like nl2br.
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