[nycphp-talk] Ruby gets another framework

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Thu Jan 31 18:20:49 EST 2008

It is absolutely true, you must keep up on your ace primary coding
language and you probably should know one or two other primaries quite
well. But, try to keep in mind that your career is your job and not your
life and you must make efforts to collar your job a bit and meanwhile
concurrently get into some of the things you enjoy. Further... 

Paraphrasing very roughly from the book: Rise of the Creative Class.
More and more professionals (true creatives and otherwise) are opting
earlier in their lives to make their home base in fresh "creative"
community areas like Idaho, Colorado, New Hampshire, South Carolina and
New Mexico while still telecommuting their specialized work, and getting
to enjoy: i) more generally found gourmet foods, ii) traveling big city
entertainment, and iii) most other quality resources and services that
for decades have been captive to urban centers

Essentially, since the committed for life one job career has become a
thing of the past -- one is essentially behooved to take more matters of
your personal, medical, financial and career life into your own hands
early on. Be more holistic about all your living. Flowing and
continuous. Not rigidly compartmentalized. 

Successfully programming intensely for a living is a very high stress
and often isolating experience. At the same time, it is one of the most
democratically attainable, portable, and flexible career paths out there
today. Yet, I think, it is doubtful that very many people are going to
become intensely rich from programming. 

So if you can, take advantage of the flexibility your programming career
offers to you that many other career paths do not offer to others. It is
almost your obligation to reap more of the bounty offered via your
career. Be flexible, be creative, take small chances. 

Paraphrasing very roughly again, from the extreme film Turistas, Dr.
Zamora advises: "To take the right action is great. To take the wrong
action is good. To take no action is unconscionable."

Live your life, don't watch it.

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir.
Sun-code Interactive 
ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Ajai Khattri
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 3:54 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Ruby gets another framework

On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, tedd wrote:

> I have a client who thinks Ruby is the ultimate leading edge of

Right about now, they all do...

There's nothing in Ruby per se that you can't do in PHP but its hip

> Arrgggg -- I'm getting tired of learning.

Welcome to the "sick-of-learning-another-language" club.

But seriously, as the cliche goes, change is the only constant in 
technology. Sometimes it makes you want to go work on a farm* instead


* You might be "Better Off"


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