[nycphp-talk] Change in magic method + reference behavior?

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Sat Jul 19 17:36:36 EDT 2008

I have a class that implements __get which retrieves the named
attribute from a $this->_data array. In the past I believe I was able
to do the following:

  $a = &$this->a;

such that modifying array $a would be reflected in the underlying
$this->_data array.

However currently I'm using a machine with 5.2.6 and that code no longer works.

If I change this to the following it works:

  $a = &$this->_data['a'];

This is not a big deal for me because the code in question is isolated
within the class but I was wondering if something has changed or if
I'm just mistaken or if there's an INI setting behind this?

Any ideas?


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO

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