[nycphp-talk] Change in magic method + reference behavior?

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Sat Jul 19 22:55:47 EDT 2008

> > 1. You're using "Call-time pass-by-reference" by marking your return
> value
> > with an ampersand, try changing your code to this:
> >
> > public function __get($field) {
> >   return &$this->_data[$field];
> > }
> But I don't want the default behavior to be to return a reference.
> Mike

Ah, well, you're setting yourself up for some fun debugging later on, it's
probably best not to mix and match pass by reference/value, which is why I
think the PHP group depreciated the ability to do call-time pass by
reference. IMO, whether a function returns a reference or a value should be
part of the object method definition, not on the basis of the way the
function was called.

- jake

> --
> Michael B Allen
> PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO
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