[nycphp-talk] PHP caching (not opcode)

bzcoder bzcoder at
Mon Jul 21 16:26:54 EDT 2008

Patrick May wrote:
> Also, I disagree that CMS users can tolerate a poorly responding 
> site.   They add value to the site, and if the cache gets in their 
> way, then they give up on improving the quality of site content.

I don't consider an extra millisecond or ( even 5) when editing a web 
page to be poorly performing, as the human based edit process is already 
structured around making changes, hitting save, waiting a second, making 
more changes, etc.

I consider an extra millisecond when generating content for readers(and 
having it added to thousands of requests, if not tens of thousands) to 
be poorly performing.

Both are working with user expectations, readers expect things to be 
instantaneous, editors expect something to take a little bit of time.

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