[nycphp-talk] CSS problem???

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Sun Jul 27 14:41:17 EDT 2008

Welcome to the world of web development.

Cross browser css development is plagued with problems.  IE 6 is
consistently the worst offender.

Even something as simple as centering a block is different in IE, and
the standards compatible browsers.  There are dozens of quirks, and it
is not something that is easy to learn, but I'll give you a few

1) Make sure you have a doctype that put IE into "standards mode"
2) Get firebug and use the inspector to learn from other people's code.
3) Do some reading on "CSS columns", "CSS clear fix", "CSS centering",
"CSS IE bugs".  There are tons of articles and blogs that contain
useful pointers.
4) Make sure you understand the box model inside and out.

Hope that helps,
-John Campbell

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:23 PM, PaulCheung <paulcheung at> wrote:
> Hi
> I am at the stage where I need to put style to the site and am using CSS.
> with Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari to test for browser
> compatibility. What I find puzzling is there seems to be differences in the
> styles of output, Using the same the exact same coding the only varible in
> the testing are the browsers themselves.
> Paul.
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