[nycphp-talk] CSS problem???

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Wed Jul 30 09:08:55 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:03 AM, BAS <lists at> wrote:

> PaulCheung wrote:
>> Hi
>>  I am at the stage where I need to put style to the site and am using CSS.
>> with Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari to test for browser
>> compatibility. What I find puzzling is there seems to be differences in the
>> styles of output, Using the same the exact same coding the only varible in
>> the testing are the browsers themselves.
Try using YUI CSS Reset + Base:

to help ease the pain between all of the A Grade browsers.

- jake

> I'm coming to this discussion late, and while you've already gotten some
> excellent advice, I don't think anyone has mentioned CSS resets yet.
> Every browser, or rather browser family, has its own internal stylesheet
> that sets the default presentation of HTML elements. For example: In IE &
> Opera lists are indented by setting a left margin of 40px on the <ul>
> element, whereas in Gecko-based browsers lists are indented by setting 40px
> of left padding. Trying to achieve consistent list indentation can drive you
> insane if you're unaware of this.
> The best way I've found to avoid these inconsistencies is to use CSS reset,
> which sets page elements to margin: 0, padding: 0. There are tons of
> examples out there--just google "css reset". Some people only reset certain
> commonly used elements, others reset everything (I reset everything so I
> don't have to think about it again).
> Personally, I have a prototype CSS file (also referred to as "CSS
> framework"--another term you can google) which I use for all the sites I
> build. My file first resets all elements, then sets up basic layout divs
> like #wrapper, #branding, #navPrimary, #contentMain, #sidebarPrimary, etc.
> It also includes a default set of rules for typography, headings, lists,
> links, etc. It takes time to create one that works for you--mine took months
> and is still constantly evolving--but in the long run it's a huge time
> saver.
> If you decide to go the prototype/framework route, you'd do well to read up
> on CSS naming conventions. For maximum flexibility you'll want to use
> structural rather than presentational names--i.e. #navPrimary,
> #navSecondary, #sidebarPrimary, #sidebarSecondary instead of #navTop,
> #navLeft, #sidebarRight, #sidebarLeft.
> Hope that helps a little.
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