[nycphp-talk] Fw: soccer website - need help ASAP! (susanna thornton STUDIO)

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Wed Jul 30 11:22:36 EDT 2008


She did say it was a student and you get what you pay for. She could
do much less than $10 an hour if she went to rent a coder and this
student probably couldn't get better than $10 an hour if he or she was
working for this person.

If this student no longer can do the work then one can assume they are
making better than $10 an hour. If no one is willing to do the work,
at that rate she will be forced to pay someone a higher rate. As a
photographer, she has to hire models, assistants, makeup people etc.
She's well aware of the costs of labor.

Now if some 16 year old kids want to give it a go at $10 an hour I'd
say more power to him. It will probably take him three times as long.
Its not taking any food out of my mouth. I do business with people
that are willing and able to pay my rates, and I don't begrudge those
who deal with those jobs below my rate. I would have never had the
experience to be able to command my current salary if it were not for
me taking jobs that paid little and demanded too much.


Justin Dearing

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:34 AM, -- rada -- <radalapsker at> wrote:
> Below are current Cut-off Wages for computer specialists from the New York
> State Department of Labor. These are not some extravagant rates. These are
> rates that the NYS DOL considers so low that if you are unemployed and
> someone offers you work below this rate, you can refuse the job without
> losing your unemployment insurance. Needless to say, nobody with a brain
> will work for cut-off wages, these are just examples of absolute rock-bottom
> rates.
> Occupation Cut-off Wage
> Computer Programmers $31.77
> Computer Software Engineers $35.79
> Computer Support Specialists $24.30
> The above hourly rates are for full-time work. For less than 40 hours/week,
> the rates have to be proportionately higher. For example, if you are a
> "Computer Programmer", the hourly cut-off wage is $31.77 but the
> corresponding yearly wage is $74,626.00.
> To Susanna:
> This is a professional PHP community and frankly, your $10/hour for
> part-time work is inappropriate to the point of being insulting. You may
> think that an offer is just an offer and those who don't like it could
> simply pass on by, but I'd rather not see this online space turn into a
> craigslist ghetto with its infamous "looking for someone to build me
> a YouTube/Ebay combo for $1,000" ads.
> To fellow PHP developers:
> I know we are all flooded with work and don't necesarily have time for
> nonsense, but let's try and take care of each other. Save this link for the
> DOL minimum wages page and let unethical would-be clients know when they've
> crossed the line. For sample language, please refer to the No Spec project
> which contains lots of great examples like this.
> Sincerely
> Rada Lapsker
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