[nycphp-talk] upgrading PHP on CentOS 5 -- or should I?

David Mintz david at
Wed Jul 30 11:56:18 EDT 2008

Greetings all,

I got two CentOS 5 LAMP production servers and a Zend Framework app. The
CentOS boxes have PHP 5.1.6 and CentOS evidently has no intention of
offering an upgrade. There are third-party RPMs available but as a novice
sysadmin I am uneasy about going there lest I break stuff.

Why upgrade? There's a strange and subtle bug in IE6's, also Safari's
behavior with an Ajax call involving Scriptaculous' Autocompleter. What's
the server side got to do with it? I don't know, except that I cannot for
the life of me reproduce the bug when I run the selfsame code on PHP 5.2.x I
am out of hypotheses.

I am dissatisfied with CentOS' conservatism -- I guess it's not for me --
but installing another distro based on a hunch that it might help seems like
overkill, doesn't it?

What would you do?

PS, the code that acts weird only on 5.1.6 is substantially this: (source: If you see anything
wrong with it, do share.

In deepest gratitude,


David Mintz

The subtle source is clear and bright
The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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