[nycphp-talk] upgrading PHP on CentOS 5 -- or should I?

David Mintz david at
Wed Jul 30 15:58:01 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Edward Potter <edwardpotter at>wrote:

> > What would you do?
> Well a quick fix is to replace the Scriptaculus Autocompleter with a
> jquery version.
> Then worry about the upgrade down the road.
> :-)  ed
Kind of like, if you don't like your spouse, get divorced and re-marry
someone else. It makes sense but it's a lot of work. (-:

Seriously, my js is now loaded with Prototype-dependent stuff -- hmm just
how similar are the Prototype and JQuery APIs? I will go have a look. Maybe
that divorce/re-marriage wouldn't be so awful...

David Mintz

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