[nycphp-talk] PHP $_SESSION

Néstor rotsen at
Thu Jun 5 15:17:47 EDT 2008

phpinfo() and the below code does not show any session info.

I can see the session_id() in mu login page before I call the next php
page.  Then I look at the session info on the second page there is not
session info.
Remember this code I wrote about 3 years ago and it works on my other
linux system running RHEL 3/apache 1.39/php 4.3.2/
my new linux system is RHEL 5.1/apache 2/php 5.1

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 11:44 AM, anthony wlodarski <anthony at>

> Do this to see what's in the $_SESSION variable.
> <?phpprint "<pre>";
> print_r($_SESSION);
> print "<pre>";
> ?>
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