[nycphp-talk] PHP $_SESSION

Néstor rotsen at
Thu Jun 5 18:59:01 EDT 2008

The session variables are empty.  The save path is /tmp
I do see the PHPSESSID on the phpinfo page.

It has to do with the php.ini set up but  except for the differences I
on a previous email I do not see much differences.

I will try it on a small page like you mentioned.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:53 PM, John Campbell <jcampbell1 at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Néstor <rotsen at> wrote:
> > I was wrong, there is a SESSION section is just that I was searchin for
> > on the page and I was not findng it.
> >
> > session.save_path/tmp
> >
> I assume you are testing with a simple page like
> <?php
> session_start();
> echo ++$_SESSION['foo'];
> The number should increase on every refresh.  Does it just print 1
> every time?  Are there files in /tmp that look like
> "sess324afd9asd91874ea"?  Delete your cookies and refresh the page and
> check for a cookie like: PHPSESSID=324afd9asd91874ea ?
> -John C.
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