[nycphp-talk] amazon aws

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Fri Jun 6 14:20:44 EDT 2008

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Max Gribov <max at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> does anyone have any experience with amazon ec2 cloud?..
> It sounds cheap and like the next best thing since sliced bread.. Has anyone
> tried this beyond a dev environment?
> With PHP code of course..

I don't have anything in production running on EC2, but I am
considering migrating to it soon.

I tried it in 2006, and voted against it because it seemed impossible
to make SSL work because there were no static ip addresses.  This
changed in March 08 with the release of "elastic ip", and I have now
been playing with it again.  It is now a ton easier to get up and
running on EC2 than it was in 2006 because there are a lot more
pre-built images and online help/tutorials courtesy of the

I do use S3 to serve static content for a production site, and I have
been extremely pleased with the quality of the service.

-John C.

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