[nycphp-talk] need help about joomla

David Krings ramons at
Tue Jun 10 06:46:32 EDT 2008

birgunj birgunj wrote:
> hi all,


First of all, hijacking threads is not nice. Please start a new thread for a 
new topic.

> i  am trying to learn joomal.i need detail explaination of each joomla 
> database table and its field.

In order to learn how to use Joomla you don't need to know every field in the 

> i search joomla forum,developer network and also on google  but i did 
> not find any thing regarding this.if any body have any material or any 
> thing please share wit us.
> thanks in advance to all

Did you look at the database itself in MySQL and see if there are any comments 
or descriptions? Maybe there is a Joomla expert on NYPHP, but if you can't get 
that information from the joomla forum or developer network, then asking 
others has less of a chance. Also, did you see if there is any documentation 
that comes with the source code?


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