[nycphp-talk] Metadata/Attributes in PHP

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Mon Jun 16 07:31:48 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:51 AM, Jon Gilkison <jon.gilkison at> wrote:
> I wrote a class that allows you to do metadata programming in PHP
> (attributes in C#/annotations in Java).  You can fetch the code and the
> post:

Interesting idea, what types of attributes do you define?

I like the concept of the ObsoleteAttribute in .net and think this
would be one area where I would use that in PHP. Since I've never
defined a custom attribute in .NET, and only modified a custome
attribute class once, I can live without them just fine without them
in PHP for most purposes. If I have to inherit a class instead of
decorating functions with attributes, to create a web service so be

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