[nycphp-talk] Web Security Article (XSS)

Ben Sgro ben at
Wed Jun 18 11:40:11 EDT 2008

Hey all,

This fairly short and pretty cool vectored attack came through on the 
dailydave; thought I'd share it here:

- Ben


Hi -

Back in 2002 I had published details of a vulnerability affecting most
web browsers. It detailed a security flaw that allows attackers to
abuse non-HTTP protocols to launch Cross Site Scripting attacks even
when a target web application was not vulnerable to XSS.

Six years later I'm releasing an update to this research in this
paper. This security vulnerability still affects popular web browsers
nowadays and the following browsers were tested as vulnerable:

    * Internet Explorer 6
    * Internet Explorer 7
    * Internet Explorer 8 (beta 1)
    * Opera 9.27
    * Opera 9.50
    * Safari 1.32
    * Safari 3.1.1

Others have described how to abuse behavior for purposes other than
Cross Site Scripting. NGSSoftware previously published a paper called
"Inter-Protocol Exploitation" which references the original
EyeonSecurity paper.

Paper at:


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