[nycphp-talk] Disabling browser back button.

Kristina Anderson ka at
Sun Jun 22 13:10:36 EDT 2008

Tedd -- this is very similar to the way you showed me how to use the 
boolean 'step' value to exit the error checking loop if no error 
conditions were found -- and just as simple to understand and brutally 
effective...I love it!

Im this scenario, if the user for whatever reason needed to reload the 
page because of a malfunction, they'd need to establish a whole new 
session and start over with everything...and presumably pay a second 
time to be able to set up another account, which would dissuade them 
very effectively.  

In the Paypal app I recently built, I had them create an account and/or 
log in using their unique email address before they were able to 
purchase, and then captured their Paypal transaction ID (tx) upon 
redirect, inserted it into a table along with the ID of the product 
they had purchased, and authenticated against that for the download.

-- Kristina

> At 9:07 PM +0100 6/21/08, PaulCheung wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >Can anybody suggest a way around this problem or point me in the 
> >right direction?
> Use a token.
> <?php session_start();
> $token = isset($_SESSION['token']) ? $_SESSION['token'] : 0;
> if ($token == 1)
>     {
>     exit();
>     }
> $_SESSION['token']) == 1;
> That way the page will be loaded just once per session.
> Cheers,
> tedd
> -- 
> -------
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