[nycphp-talk] mysql slow Internet connection trickery

Patrick May patrick at
Mon Jun 30 12:18:04 EDT 2008

Another note....

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:

> Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for a magic bullet, but you're stating what
> I figured already: this is application-specific and it's up to me to program
> the collision detection and resolution methods.

 Though version control systems don't provide the whole solution, they can
provide quite a bit of background information to a users:

1. is the local data up to date?
2. if we can't connect, how old is the local data?
3. if we can connect, are there any conflicts?
4. there is a conflict, when and who committed the conflicting data?

If it is possible to structure the data so that diff can produce the change
sets, then you can get the benefit of the network optimization that tools
like Subversion provide.  But this is a data-representation issue, and I
guess you're concerned that flat files won't give you enough complexity to
represent the business.

~ p

Patrick May
135 Oak Street
New York, NY 11222
+1 (347) 232-5208
patrick at
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