[nycphp-talk] Any apc experts out there?

Austin Smith asmith at
Sun Mar 2 22:09:25 EST 2008

I fought this battle awhile back building machine images for EC2
servers. If memory serves, in the end I just had to boost the shm_size
because shm_segments is deprecated (or just broken and
soon-to-be-deprecated). I recall being a little annoyed at the
discussions about this issue in bug trackers which mostly ended with
someone sniping, "why would you want to use multiple segments?"

Good luck,

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>  I just increased from 1 to 2 shm segments (30M each). But the apc memory
> usage graph still indicates only 30M.
>  Why isn't apc taking advantage of the 2nd shm?
>  Cliff

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