[nycphp-talk] Re: Apache Proxy restart error

Joe Leo joeleo724 at
Wed Mar 26 16:04:06 EDT 2008

Hi Allen, thanks for the tips... I was able to get it working but not sure
if the way it is working is the best or right way. Basically, I removed the
virtualhost directives all together and I was able to restart apache. The
proxy seems to be working as well but I am still having some problems and
think it's now with mod-rewrite. But, it looks like I'm getting close.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:

> Joe Leo wrote:
> > Hi All, Any linux/Apache guru's that can help me with problem below?
> > I need to be able to get a mod-proxy working.
> Hi Joe,
> Completely outside my experience, but some googling turned up this:
> Comments #94 and #98 at
> seem to indicate that using ProxyPass inside a directional container
> (like <Directory> or <Location>) causes it to expect only one parameter,
> whereas you're giving it two.  The first parameter is being
> automatically determined based on the value of <Location>.
> In the httpd manual I found only one example
> ( of
> using ProxyPass inside a <Location> container, and it indeed does use
> only one parameter.
> So it seems what you'd want to do is something like this:
>        <Directory /projects/dc >
>                Options FollowSymLinks
>                AllowOverride None
>                ProxyPass http://h111.MyDomain
>                ProxyPassReverse http://h111.MyDomain
>        </Directory>
> Also, whether you can even use ProxyPass inside of <Directory> is
> unknown to me, as the only examples I've seen are inside <Location> or
> nothing at all. Remember, what I'm telling you is strictly raw Internet
> research using Google.  I have no idea what I'm actually talking about
> here.
> - Allen
> --
> Allen Shaw
> slidePresenter (
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