[nycphp-talk] is_executable() returns false? - Solution

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Sun Mar 30 15:32:11 EDT 2008

Hans Kaspersetz wrote:
> Hi guys and gals,
> I have a weird problem with is_executble(), it is returning false when 
> it seems like it should return true.  This is on a cpanel server with 
> the following:
> Apache 1.3.x
> PHP 5.2.5
> Here is my test script:
> <?php
> clearstatcache();
> $r = is_executable("curl");  // The offending function.
> echo "Is Exec: ";
> echo  ($r)? "True":"False";  //Getting printable output.
> echo "<br><br>";
> exec("curl --version", $output);  // Actually executing it to make 
> sure it is there.
> print_r($output);
> ?>
> Here is my output:
> ---- out put to the browser -----
> Is Exec: False
> Array ( [0] => curl 7.15.3 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.3 
> OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/1.1.4 [1] => Protocols: tftp ftp telnet dict ldap 
> http file https ftps [2] => Features: Largefile NTLM SSL libz )
> ---- end of output ---------------
> I am not sure where to go from here.  I wish I didn't have to deal 
> with this, but the is_executable function is buried in xcart and I 
> don't want to start moding the core.  It seems like I might have some 
> other problem that I am just not seeing.
> Thanks in advance,
> Hans K

The solution was that I needed to modify my open_basedir line in 
http.conf for the virtual host and include /usr/bin.  After I did this 
for http, I struggled with why it wasn't working still reliably.  Dur!  
I also had to make this change in the SSL config for the site.

I think it is amazing that after being completely frustrated and after I 
post to the list, minutes later I find the solution.  Oh well......

Hans K

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