[nycphp-talk] Twitter Abandons RoR

Ken Downs ken at
Fri May 2 17:55:15 EDT 2008

Matt Juszczak <matt at> wrote:  > ActiveRecord? >  > As
in selecting all fields and updating all fields no matter what you  >
need/what has changed?I'm willing to stand corrected, but as I understand
ActiveRecord, it is heavily centered on row-based operations .  You can't
scale if you can't easily do set-based operations as well.  But as I
said, I am going by what other people say about it, I saw enough to know I
wasn't interested.Also in the second-hand info category, I've heard it said
that Rails is heavily into putting logic into Ruby layer.  This leads to
far more round trips to the server than are necessary, and if it is true it be
my first path of investigation if I worked at "Rails Inc" (if you
know what I mean) and were asked to speed it up.Finally, the ActiveRecord
concept is suspicious overall because it attempts to view the database as
objects, and a database plain and simple is not objects, it is organized as
sets.  You can only make optimal use of a database if you work with in it
its own terms. >  >  > On Fri, 2 May 2008, Kenneth Downs wrote: > 
> > I have serious doubts that the ActiveRecord idea can ever be made to
scale or >  > > perform.  > > Ben Sgro wrote: > >> +1
> >>  > >> but I still believe it's something of a fad. >
>>  > >>  > >> Brian D. wrote: > >>> I
think it's been confirmed as a rumor at this point. > >>>  >
>>> Still, was interesting to talk about. I was at Jelly NYC (a
co-working > >>> group) this morning and the news item was
inspiring a little > >>> discussion. Rails is definitely popular
here in NYC with the startup > >>> crowd, but I still believe it's
something of a fad. > >>>  > >>> On Fri, May 2, 2008
at 12:54 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote: > >>> 
> >>>>>> Great topic for the May meeting: >
>>>>>> > >>>>  > > >
>>>>  > >  > >>>> >
> >>>>  > > > >>>>  > >  H >
>>>>  > > >>>>  > What's the topic, Hans? How
to build your own Twitter or how to blame > >>>>  > your
embarrassing outages on a framework? > >>>>  > >
>>>>  > Either one would be interesting and of potential use to
our members. > >>>> > >>>>  Or how RoR is a fad?
*duck*  :) > >>>> > >>>>  Apparently, this might
actually all be a rumor: > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> >
>>>>  Although in either case, there is apparently some confusion
over at  > >>>> twitter as to what technology they'd like to
use. > >>>>  > >>>>  > >>>> >
>>>>  H > >>>>  > >>>> >
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> > Kenneth Downs > > Secure Data Software, Inc. > > > > 631-689-7200   Fax:
631-689-0527 > > cell: 631-379-0010 > > > >
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